Unlike Nativemost polearms can be used by infantry and mounted units for slashing attacks in addition to thrusts.
Similarly, they are ineffective in close confines, or in the thick of melee, where they are often deflected in the maelstrom of flashing weapons.
However, polearms become ineffective at close range, where their limited speed and cumbersome length make them all but useless against units that get past the 'point'. Additionally, they make good weapons for fighting as, or against, cavalry through their increased damage potential to mounted units, and the effect of couched blows lancesetc. Polearms can be effective player-wielded weapons as they offer the potential to maintain a safe distance from the enemy, whilst delivering stunning lethal blows. In short, the warriors of Gekokujo's Japan will nearly always prefer to engage at range, and with devestating effect - the polearm is only the most inexpensive and common of methods - and a player would be wise to heed convention. In contemporary terms, these weapons are categorized similarly to spearspikeshalberdsand staves in no particular orderthough each can have sub-variants, or some mixture of characteristics.
Polearms have a extended reach over other melee weapons, and also deal significant damage against mounted units. Polearms are the primary weapon of the game, and are used to good effect by infantry units such as the ever-present yari ashigaruclan retainers, and some cavalry and monk variants. For those unfamiliar with Japanese feudal weapons, tactics, martial terms, and related subjects, ample hyperlinks to wikipedia articles are found throughout eg. Note: detailed weapon tables are available by weapon classor general identifier whenever possible eg.